About Us

Welcome to Knit Stitch Knot, where the artistry of yarn meets a commitment to sustainability. Our passion for crafting exceptional fibers goes hand in hand with our dedication to the planet. At Knit Stitch Knot, we take pride in offering a diverse range of yarns, all sourced with sustainability in mind.

Our Commitment to Sustainability

Every strand in our collection is meticulously selected to ensure it meets the highest standards of environmental responsibility. We are proud to declare that all our yarns are sustainably sourced, reflecting our commitment to a greener future. We believe in making choices that not only enhance your crafting experience but also contribute positively to the world we share.

Environmentally Friendly Fibers

Embrace creativity without compromise. Our yarns boast environmentally friendly fibers, carefully chosen to minimise their ecological footprint. By choosing Knit Stitch Knot, you're not just choosing quality; you're choosing a product that aligns with your values.

Mulesing-Free Guarantee

Ethical practices matter to us. Rest assured that all our yarns are mulesing-free, upholding our responsibility to the well-being of the animals involved in the yarn production process. We believe that beauty and compassion can coexist, and it's reflected in every skein we offer.

Discover a world where craftsmanship and sustainability intertwine seamlessly. Join us at Knit Stitch Knot, where each yarn tells a story of quality, creativity, and a deep-rooted commitment to a better, more sustainable tomorrow. Happy crafting!